Monday, April 27, 2020

Armenian Genocide Essay Topics - Why You Should Find A Topic That is Not Arbitrary

Armenian Genocide Essay Topics - Why You Should Find A Topic That is Not ArbitraryArmenian Genocide Issues are among the most well-known, widely used essay topics. This is due to the fact that people have heard of it, but yet it seems many people do not fully grasp its true implications. The fact that the Armenian Genocide was carried out by the Turkish State against the Armenian Nation in 1915, these issues have been talked about for a long time. In fact, Armenians are so proud of this period in their history that they hope the world is finally willing to acknowledge the crimes of the Turkish State.For those who have an interest in the events of this time, researching what the facts are may be a daunting task, especially as you will find many misconceptions and biased information being thrown around, especially in present times. While there are many Armenian organizations that will assure you that the Turkish State was not at fault, still many Armenian population seems to be looking for the truth and do not care for the opinions of others. At times, their thirst for knowledge may cause them to look for answers to even the most pressing questions that have plagued them for a long time.Unfortunately, the genocide was not committed only during the past, it has actually gone on long before 1915. However, today, the issue has become highly sensitive as well as sensitive enough to some degree allows different opinions. In fact, one can find many individuals who will try to justify the actions of the Turkish State with different arguments, while most others will deny any guilt.In order to completely understand the meaning of the word 'genocide', it is important to know a little history. The history of genocide begins with an act of annihilation, that is, when one group of people are exterminated in the name of the state or government. Since the Armenian Genocide occurred in the early 20th century, many have tried to explain and justify what happened to the Armenians, even today. Even though these opinions vary, it is now accepted as genocide.There are several common misconceptions regarding the genocide. One of them is that it is only done in the name of Turkey, but in fact, it is a common practice of many governments. Another is that it is not being discussed today as if it has already been solved. Although it has been addressed, some things have been brought up to re-open debate.This is why we have found a special provision in the Armenian National Assembly of America and many other organizations to bring up the topic. One thing that can be said about this is that no one will deny the reality that genocide took place in 1915. The Armenian people, their leaders, and the Armenian citizens are not only focusing on issues regarding what was done to them but rather on the real effects that this had on their families.One should not forget that genocide is something that can happen to anyone. Whether you are a citizen of a country or a subject of a state, you are entitled to have your opinions heard and to receive knowledge about the atrocities that took place. The only thing is that you need to be honest and truthful in your efforts.It does not matter whether you believe in the universal truth of the genocide or whether you think it happened 100 years ago. Whatever views you hold, it is important to realize that you are allowed to express them in the most respectful way possible. Through such efforts, the common thread of the Armenian Genocide will be spread worldwide and open the eyes of many to the truth about the past.

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